Reference: PID2020-117713RB-I00
Start Date: 01/09/2021, Ending Date: 31/08/2024
Entity: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España
Investigators (UPV): Perles Ivars, Angel (IP); Rodríguez Ballester, Francisco; Zalbidea Muñoz, María Antonia; Pérez Molina, Ana Isabel; Mercado Romero, Ricardo
Investigators from partner institutions: Sanz García, María del Mar (Museo de América); Herráez Ferreiro, Juan Antonio (IPCE); Martínez López, María Teresa (IVAM); Salmerón Escobar, Pedro; Cámara Alberola (IVAM); Rivera Valdivia, Asunción (Museo de América); Barahona Fernández. María del Camino (Museo de América); Serrano Aranda, Claudia (Universidad de Zaragoza)
The Wireless non-stop MOnitoring system for heritage SAfeguard (WiMOSA) project aims to fill a void in the market and develop an affordable system that offers an environmental monitoring solution for different cultural scenarios around the world using «Internet of things» (IoT) and edge computing technology to facilitate their preventive conservation. This will provide constant monitoring, at any time and under any adverse situation, of the different environmental risks and offer recommendations and alarms to prevent long-term and short-term degradation.
Since the mission of preventive conservation, from its multidisciplinary approach, is to establish strategies and indirect actions within the context of the environment of the different cultural heritage scenarios to prevent and slow down their deterioration or loss in the future, the results of WiMOSA project are expected to have a relevant impact in the field of environmental monitoring for preventive conservation of cultural heritage both at national and international level.

WiMOSA is the natural extension of the H2020 European project CollectionCare, which uses Internet of Things (IoT) techniques to monitor environmental conditions, provide a cloud computing platform for data storage and processing, and the application of multi-material degradation models and preventive conservation standards, such as EN15757:2010, to evaluate the data collected.
WiMOSA adds to the CollectionCare project the capacity to face adverse situations where the electrical flow fails, or there is no internet connection. To achieve this, the recommendations and decisions made under normal conditions with an always-connected system will be derived from the local system formed by wireless sensors and special gateways that will process environmental data using an edge computing approach.
WiMOSA project will transfer lab technology on smart wireless sensor networks to society, solving a challenging issue in heritage conservation by providing a marketable solution at a very reasonable price.