Inicio » Operating Systems for Embedded Systems

Operating Systems for Embedded Systems


The seminar «Operating Systems for Embedded Systems» of Professional Seminars II of the Máster Universitario en Ingeniería de Telecomunicación is focused on showing the possibilities of modern OSes for the design of complex embedded systems.

This is a 0.9 ECTS seminar (9 hours), so we can not go beyond of simple proof of concept, but I promise it will be very real and full of hands-on.


Seminar presentation

Well, let’ introduce the seminar.

  • Syllabus
  • Google questionnaire to find out about you (available in Poliformat).


Contact session
Programming session
Software defined radio session
Deploy session
Growing hardware. Growing visual session
What now?


This is the equipment that we will use in the lab.


Underwater acoustic transmission demodulation